Every year schools face many items in lost property including clothes, books, boots, shoes etc. This takes up valuable time for Staff, teachers and students and is frustrating for parents. We are offering a one stop solution to help students identify their valuable items.
PTA can fund raise by ordering Custom Label Packs for each student to buy. €10 for one pack with €2 of each sale going to the school. It's a simple fund raising idea that benefits everyone at school.
The Label Pack

Each label pack purchased contains 3 separate sets of identity tags produced on the latest machine available for this type of work.
Every student recieves 25 stickers for books, with a further 25 labels for garments, which can be ironed on or sewn on. And a further 3 sets of shoe labels designed to go inside shoes, boots and runners.
It works by emailing us your student name and we will send all in an individual envelope back to you. Sets are EUR15.00 per pack including postage to you.
If preferred, we can also set up the machine in your school, on an open day, uniform day or entrance exam day. Parents can then fill out the order form and their address. They can collect directly or we can send the label sets out. Postage is covered in the fee of EUR10.00 for the complete 3 sets.